Current suppliers

Current suppliers

Currently, the GAIN premix facility works with a total of 44 suppliers across 61 approved production sites. 

The list below is provided in partnership with the World Food Programme. 

For further information and details of our approved vitamin and minerals manufacturers, please contact

The supplier selection process is described in more detail here and a list of frequently asked supplier questions can be found here.

The approved production site list does not necessarily reflect all production sites of the below companies, but represents those sites which have been audited and approved by the GAIN premix facility. 

Blend of vitamins and minerals for wheat flour, maize meal, cereal products and other fortified foods.

GPF approved Dry Premix BlendersGPF approved production sites
AQC Chem Lab (P) LtdIndia
Beijing Jinkangpu Food Science and Technology Co., Ltd.China
DSM Nutritional Products AG China, India, Malaysia, Poland (Buk), South Africa, and USA (Schenectady) 
Glanbia Nutritionals Ltd China, USA (West Haven, CT)
Global Calcium Private LtdIndia
Hexagon NutritionIndia (Chennai, Nashik), Uzbekistan
Innovita Nutrition Pvt LtdPakistan
Miavit Food GmbHGermany
Manisha Pharmo Plast Pvt LtdIndia
Millhouse International South Africa
Mirpain Gida San Ve Tic A.S.Turkey
Mühlenchemie / SternVitaminChina (Suzhou), Germany, Malaysia and Mexico.
NuTaste Food & Drink Labs Pvt LtdIndia 
Nutralia S.R.L Argentina
Nutrition Supplies and Services (Ireland) LimitedIreland
Onnovit Gıda San. Ltd. Şti.  Turkey
PD Navkar Bio Chem Pvt LtdIndia
Piramal Pharma LtdIndia
Prinova Europe LtdChina and USA. 
Pristine OrganicsIndia
Remidex Pharma Pvt. LtdIndia
Richen Nutritional Technology Co., LtdChina
Sudeep Nutrition Pvt. LtdIndia
Sigachi Industries Ltd   India
The Wright Group USA (Plain City, OH)
Ufuk KimyaTurkey (Istanbul & Sakarya)
Vitablend Nederland BV The Netherlands
Wella NutrologicalsIndia

Oily blends of vitamins A & D for vegetable oil fortification

GPF approved Liquid premix blendersGPF approved production sites
BASF SEGermany
DSM Nutritional Products AG India, Singapore and Switzerland
Hexagon Nutrition Pvt LtdIndia (Chennai)
Innovita Nutrition Pvt Ltd Pakistan 
Mirpain Gida San Ve Tic A.S. Turkey
Mühlenchemie / SternVitaminGermany
Nutralia S.R.L   Argentina
Nutrition Supplies and Services (Ireland) LimitedIreland
PD Navkar Bio Chem Pvt LtdIndia
Piramal Pharma LtdIndia
Pristine OrganicsIndia
Remidex Pharma Pvt. LtdIndia
The Wright Group USA (Plain City, OH)
Ufuk Kimya  Turkey (Sakarya)
Wella NutrologicalsIndia
Zheijang NHUChina (Xinchang NHU Vitamins Co. Ltd.)



Fortified rice kernels (FRK) 

Micronutrient premix in the form of rice kernels for rice fortification. 

GPF approved Fortified Rice Kernel ProducersGPF approved production sites
JVS Foods Pvt. LtdIndia

Encapsulated ferrous fumarate (EFF) for double-fortified salt

GPF approved Iron EFF ProducersGPF approved production sites
Wella NutrologicalsIndia



Rapid test-kits for monitoring micronutrient levels in fortified foods


In 2012, the GPF developed and signed a partnership agreement with BioAnalyt, a product-innovation company based in Germany, to facilitate procurement of BioAnalyt’s test kits for GAIN’s programs, as well as other partners and private sector organizations monitoring fortification efforts. In 2013, GAIN and BioAnalyt signed an Agreement whereby the GAIN premix facility became BioAnalyt’s primary distributor.

This ensures better quality control and monitoring of fortification programs worldwide and subsequently leads to improved nutritional impact.

BioAnalyt’s test kits perform on the spot measurements of micronutrients such as iron in flours, vitamin A in flours and vegetable oil as well as potassium iodate in salt. These kits are targeted for food producers, NGOs, monitoring agencies, research institutions, customs officers and laboratories.

If you would like to ask for a quotation, please fill out the form through this link.